
导演: Yevgeny Yufit 

主演: Aleksandr Anikeenko Sergey Chernov Stanislav Ilyukhin 

状态: HD

剧情: Bipedalism, or 'two-footed walking', is the story of a painter who grew up in an orphanage a...展开nd only years later learns the circumstances of his father's disappearance and death. Childhood memories bring the main character back to the past: he buys a house in the suburbs that used to belong to his family. In the basement, he finds his father's archives and scientific research documents on the hybridization of human race with related biological species. Studying the archive material, he unexpectedly finds evidence of efforts to renew the experiments on the remaining hybrid population. The painter then becomes a researcher, and consequently a victim. The basic idea of his father's research was to change, control and influence the process of human evolution - initially connected with eugenics theories of the period before World War II, and now being placed in a context of modern 'biotechnological' expectations by his former colleagues. The main character tries to recreate and realize his father's heritage, who was forced to cooperate with state terror organizations, using the results of his secret research. In a tragic manner, this information turns into the main character's reality, at first forcing him to reappraise his father's values and later driving him to madness.(http://www.input2002.com/en/film/24418.html)收起


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