


电影 剧情 2020 马来西亚


导演: 穆扎默·拉曼 

主演: Amerul Affendi Mei Fen Lim 博朗·帕拉雷 Roslan Madun Megat Sharizal 南农 莎丽法·阿玛尼 Nadiya Nissa Kin Wah Chew Jay Iswazir Anas Ridzuan Shah Hakimi Aliff Asyraf Aloeng Silalahi Maisarah Mazlan 

状态: HD

剧情: After his father's death, the unemployed Aman returns to Kuala Lumpur and embarks illegally on a...展开 ride-hailing service, as he fails to obtain a driving license due to his color blindness. When his landlord chases him out of his rental accommodation, he ends up sleeping in his car. A chance encounter with Bella, a Chinese 'escort girl', grants Aman a temporary residence at her place. In return, she asks Aman to become her driver. As they become closer, Bella confides in Aman about her intention to leave Malaysia. Complications ensue when Bella finds herself pregnant and decides to have an abortion.收起


空军大电影:只要活着 6.6 HD中字 苏慧敏 陈泽耀 Sangeeta Krishnasamy  The movie follows the story of a PASKAU team led by Captain Adib and his mentor, Major Adnan, task
空军大电影:只要活着 动作
特别行动组 6.6 HD国语 蔡岳翰 李世平 Sai Peng Lee 黄国翔 袁顺成  随着近期犯罪率不断升高,明叔(李世平饰)组织了一帮人来维护村子的治安,他们大多是闲闲没事的村民,平常喜欢看动作片,幻想自己是电影里的超级英雄。直到有天,一名被黑道追杀的神秘女孩出现,并向他们寻求协
特别行动组 动作 喜剧
治疗尸 HD中字版 陈郡君 张立昂 蔡子 陈沛兴 钟丽芬 刘芷希  如果灵魂离开了身躯,肉体还是正常活动,该怎么去解释这种生命形态?余燕(陈郡君饰)早晨醒来便觉得身体有异常,先后与家人和男友许德(张立昂饰)发生争执,盛怒的余燕转身离去,随后发生车祸。经医生抢救逃过
治疗尸 惊悚 恐怖
顺风鱼 6.6 HD中字版 黄嘉千 金浩元 陈柱亨 姜皓文 陈幸瑜  克里斯试图帮助他的好朋友还清巨额债务,却反而引来俄罗斯黑手党和阿尔及利亚黑帮的纠缠。走投无路的克里斯决定放手一搏,冒着啷当入狱或失去生命的风险,策画一场惊天大劫案……
顺风鱼 爱情 喜剧
伪信者2 HD中字版 Syamsul Yusof 玛雅·卡林 纳西尔·比拉尔·汗 Fizz Fairuz 马维 Fauzi Nawawi 拉欣·拉萨利 Nur Zara Sofia Weni Panca  Sakinah, a poor single mom in an isolated village, is haunted by an evil spirit linked to Abu Jar,
伪信者2 恐怖
Huat啊!Huat啊!发! 5.3 HD中字版 阿牛 郑欣宜 陈建彬 洪国锐 曾文伟 Rama 甘宝宝 黄国强 张永华 郑靖辰 练倩卉 曾重凯 李荣峻  亚发(阿牛 饰)从小就失去了父母,由善良的外公一手拉扯长大,患有自闭症的他虽然异于常人,却拥有着极快的手速和灵敏的嗅觉。建平(郑靖辰 饰)、琳琳(练倩卉 饰)和吉瑞米(李荣峻 饰)是亚发的好友,一
Huat啊!Huat啊!发! 喜剧
大大哒 5.8 HD国语版 容璇雯 刘锦绣 林宣妤 吕杨 温慧茵 叶舒稜 甘可琪  林满月是一个性格开朗,对生活持有乐观积极态度的小妞,她有着一群性格各异的好闺蜜。一次意外使她背上了不菲的债务。为了偿还债务,她被迫走上了成为“女神”的道路,不料换来的却是束缚和忧伤,逐渐失去亲情和
大大哒 喜剧 剧情
自闭男孩 6.6 HD中字版 Harith Haziq Remy Ishak June Lojong Namron Nadiya Nissa  Young boy with autism causes of hardships for his old parents, as his father isn`t accepting the f
自闭男孩 剧情
放映爱 5.7 HD 苗可秀 颜卓灵 王建复 黄馨慧 张智扬  热爱电影的阿强,离乡背井从马来西亚乡村到新加坡打工,一心想当电影放映师。阿强在打工的电影院遇见了师傅小李,从他身上学会了跳舞,如何追求女孩以及生活的真谛。阿强也遇见了晓薇,一位年轻貌美的华文教师。
放映爱 剧情 爱情
僵尸乌托邦 HD 莎丽法·阿玛尼 阿兹曼·哈桑 Elvina Mohamad  After Hassan discovers Zidik living alone on the streets, he takes him in and cares for him like a
僵尸乌托邦 动作 恐怖
野蛮的骄傲 HD Zahiril Adzim Faizal Hussein Wan Hanafisu 何宇恒 Pekin Ibrahim  From Malaysia's thriving indie scene director Dain Said crosses cultural and genre boundaries
野蛮的骄傲 剧情 动作
厌世三寡妇 HD Khatijah Tan Normah Damanhuri Raja Azura  Midah, Rohayu and Ani are three widows who happen to be die-hard-fans of singer Aiman Zalini. When
厌世三寡妇 剧情 喜剧 犯罪