


电影 剧情 2022 其它


导演: 金基德 

主演: Zhanel Sergazina Abylai Maratov Omurbek Nurdinov Artykpai Suyundukov 

状态: HD

剧情:   Anticipation of Love has settled in a heart of a young lady. The borders between dream and passion...展开 are very elusive. Life is full of physical deprivations and sensual pleasures and the deep meaning of that all is Love of course. The deeper the feeling the more intense emotions. Each girl dreams to meet her love one day. An experienced man is able to help her to discover the world of passion and senses, bring her to the «heaven's gate» where the two of them will prevail. One can only imagine how many hearts were broken along the way to master the science of love. But the passion blinds and soon the man becomes a slave of young sensual body of a woman. The carnal knowledge makes the girl try to subdue her love object. Instant emotions bring pain and suffering to the lovers as well as to their relatives and friends. Will the young heroine manage to meet the expectations of the man she loved and make him happy... become the only one? Who will help her to find the right path? Maybe the mysterious voice on the phone? Or will it be enough just to wake up and realize that that was just a dream, just a dream. Last film by Kim Ki-duk, which he shot in Summer, 2019 in Kyrgyzstan. Film was finished by Kim's friends and colleagues after his unexpected death in December, 2020.收起


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