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布朗夫人的儿子们第一季 第05集

Mrs. Brown's Boys became a runaway success upon its initial broadcast. Every episode aired won i...展开ts timeslot for RTÉ, with an average viewership of 753,500 in January, 2011. One episode's rating beat that of RTÉ's own ratings giant The Late Late Show, with 856,000 viewers tuning in to watch. However, critics disliked the show. "The whole thing is entirely predicated on viewers finding a man dressed as a foul-mouthed elderly woman intrinsically funny," noted Bernice Harrison in the Irish Times. "If you do, you’re away in a hack (and the viewing figures are astronomical), but if you don’t, and you think that died out with Les Dawson and Dick Emery, then it’s a long half-hour."  The Irish Independent said that Mrs Brown's Boys was the type of TV programme that "that makes you vaguely embarrassed to be Irish".  The Daily Telegraph's Sam Richards noted that show's comedy has a "rudimentary nature", consisting of "an old-fashioned blend of silly voices and slapstick, played out in front of a live studio audience who collapse into giggles at the mere mention of the word “willy”.收起


极品基老伴第一季 9.1 已完结 伊恩·麦克莱恩 德里克·雅各比 弗朗西斯·德·拉·图瓦 伊万·瑞恩 玛西娅·沃伦 菲利普-沃斯  故事聚焦住在英国伦敦考文特花园的一对老同志弗雷迪(伊安·麦克莱恩 Ian McKellen 饰)和斯图尔特(德里克·雅各比 Derek Jacobi 饰),两人同居48年后斯图尔特仍然跟母亲报备说
极品基老伴第一季 喜剧 同性
哈利法克斯最后的探戈第一季 9.1 已完结 托尼·加德纳 德里克·雅各比 莎拉·兰卡夏尔 妮可拉·沃克 乔什-博尔特 安妮·雷德  Celia和Alan在60年前错过了一段美好姻缘,而60年后因facebook而再续前缘。Last Tango In Halifax,BBC1正在上演一段温馨感人,笑中带泪的末世喜剧,Derek
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迷失的男孩和皇后 更新至第01集 西恩·杨 弗拉·菲 伊丽莎白·贝林顿 莎伦·D·克拉克 玛丽亚·多耶·肯尼迪    Gabriel and his partner Andy adopt a child. But Gabriel has a history and he will need to embark u
迷失的男孩和皇后 剧情 欧美
布朗神父第十一季 全10集 马克·威廉姆斯  It’s now 1955 and Chief Inspector Sullivan and Mrs Devine have grown closer since we saw them last
落水狗第一季 6.2 全8集 黛西·梅·库珀 福乐尔·塔什让 杰克·法辛 罗恩·阿德科鲁埃 斯蒂芬·怀特 艾米莉·费尔恩 亚德里安·埃德蒙松 Joshua Parris Daniel Phung Reid Anderson Deana Taheri Tobias Jowett James Ashton Trevor Walton  讲述Costello Jones,一个城市中挣扎在贫困线下的单身母亲(也是作家),为了摆脱困境而努力的故事。但她的努力、对女儿的爱在别人看来或许会因为偏见而显得有些可笑和滑稽;即使从中受挫,却仍不
落水狗第一季 喜剧 剧情
布朗神父第十季 5.9 全10集 马克·威廉姆斯 克劳迪·布莱克利 John Burton  Series inspired by the stories of GK Chesterton; a Catholic priest has a knack for solving mysteri
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尸偶第一季 5.4 全6集 亨利·劳埃德-休斯 露西·海尔 泰利莎·特谢拉 阿里·库克 Eric Raymond Lim 道格·麦克梅金 Lee Byford Perry Jaques Phil Aizlewood Rene Costa Luke Lynch Tim McDonnell Cannon Hay Eric Lim  故事讲述一宗牵涉六个受害人的谋杀案,他们被肢解并缝合成一个怪诞的尸体,尸体被称为「Ragdoll」。这宗震惊社会的案件由刚回复职务的伦敦警察厅侦缉警长Nathan Rose (Henry Lloy
尸偶第一季 惊悚
超能少年第二季 8.8 已完结 罗伯特·席安 劳伦·索恰 伊万·瑞恩 鲁丝·内伽 内森·斯图尔特-贾瑞特 安东尼娅·托马斯  一场奇怪的风暴,使五个正在做社区服务的不良少年拥有了超能力。凯莉(劳伦·索恰 Lauren Socha饰)会读心术,西蒙(尤恩·雷昂 Iwan Rheon 饰)可以隐形,科蒂斯(内森·斯图尔特-贾
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