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篮球兄弟第三季 第01集

Besides a love for hoops, it would seem that Lucas and Nathan are two young men with little in commo...展开n - except for the dark secret that they share the same father. Arrogant and assured, Nathan is the star of the high school basketball team and hails from the wealthiest family in town. Quiet, brooding and driven, Lucas is a loner, the only child of a single working mom. He's always kept his distance from Nathan. But their lives collide when a twist of fate puts Lucas on Nathan's team. The rumor that's haunted the boys since childhood now becomes more than just whispers as the half-brothers compete not only for control of the court, but also for the heart of Nathan's girlfriend. So unfolds a deep and bitter conflict that's been years in the making; one that will play itself out in their homes, their hearts and at school as they struggle to come to terms with who they really are - and the fact that they may have more in common than they ever imagined收起



汉尼拔第三季 9.0 已完结 麦斯·米科尔森 休·丹西 劳伦斯·菲什伯恩 理查德·阿米蒂奇 卡罗利娜·达韦纳 吉莲·安德森 卢蒂娜·卫斯理 乔·安德森 扎克瑞·昆图 劳尔·埃斯帕扎 妮娜·阿里安达 杰里米·克鲁齐利 冈本多绪  汉尼拔在佛罗伦萨逍遥度日;Bedelia假扮汉尼拔妻子并逐渐黑化;威尔伤了汉尼拔的心;反派"牙仙"红龙终于登场。
汉尼拔第三季 犯罪 惊悚 剧情
邪恶力量第十一季 8.5 已完结 贾德·帕达里克 詹森·阿克斯 米沙·克林斯 马克·谢泼德  Darkness降临,末日降临,Dean见到了Darkness——Amara,她要毁灭世界来报复上帝。Dean因该隐之印与她有所联系而无法下杀手。这一季诸多配角十分出彩,Crowley与女巫R
邪恶力量第十一季 悬疑 奇幻 恐怖 惊悚 剧情
犯罪心理:演变第十七季 8.0 更新至第05集 帕姬·布鲁斯特 A·J·库克 扎克·吉尔福德 瑞安-詹姆斯·畑中 菲丽西提·霍夫曼 乔·曼特纳 亚当·罗德里格兹 爱莎·泰勒 克斯汀·范奈丝  Paramount 续订《犯罪心理》复活版《犯罪心理:演变进化》第二季,即全剧第17季,今年开拍。复活版第一季被官方算作第16季,但依旧采用副标题来强调其是原剧的拓展。
小谢尔顿第七季 全14集 伊恩·阿米蒂奇 佐伊·派瑞 兰斯·巴伯 安妮·波茨 蒙塔纳·乔丹 拉根·雷沃德  《小谢尔顿》主创确认第七季为最终季,最终季将于明年2月15日回归,5月16日完结,大结局时长1小时。
小谢尔顿第七季 喜剧